Welcome to the
Cowichan Valley Starfinders
The Cowichan Valley Starfinders are a non-profit society who’s mandate is to promote and enjoy amateur astronomy in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

Wide field study of the Cygnus region using a 50mm lens to obtain 5 images covering the whole constellation and surroundings. Following the fifth image is a mosaic obtained by combining the individual images.
Equipment - Modified Canon 350D on Astrotrack mount.
Exposure - each image is a stack of 5 to 19 light frames taken at f/4 and ISO 200 for 4 min each.
Processing - Frames were aligned and digitally developed in Images plus and the mosaic was done in Photoshop.

Image of M22, the other great globular cluster (along with M13) in the northern sky. It was taken in very dark skies at the Island Star Party.
2010-09-04 at the Island Star Party - Bright Angel Park, Vancouver Island.
Conditions - clear and very dark, Moist and 10 deg C.
Equipment - WO 105mm refractor with modifed Canon T1i camera on HEQ5 mount.
Exposure - 33 - 1min lights at ISO 800 with darks and flats used for calibration.
Processing in Images Plus and Photoshop.

Conditions - clear and very dark, dry and 15 deg C.
Equipment - 300mm Canon L series lens with modifed Canon T1i camera on Astrotrack mount.
Exposure - 37 - 2min lights at ISO 800 with darks and flats used for calibration.
Processing in Images Plus and Photoshop.

Image of the Wild Duck Cluster taken in very dark skies at the Island Star Party.
2010-09-04 at the Island Star Party - Bright Angel Park, Vancouver Island.
Conditions - clear and very dark, Moist and 10 deg C.
Equipment - WO 105mm refractor with modifed Canon T1i camera on HEQ5 mount.
Exposure - 56 - 1min lights at ISO 800 with darks and flats used for calibration.
Processing in Images Plus and Photoshop.
Monthly Club Socials
Meeting have been canceled until further notice,
Check our events calendar for each month. https://starfinders.ca/events-calendar
Astronomy & Space News
- Curiosity’s Other Important Job: Studying Martian Clouds
- Webb Telescope to Weigh in on Impact Odds for Asteroid 2024 YR4
- A Rare Kind of White Dwarf Could Foster Habitable Worlds
- A Balloon With a Tether Could Explore Venus’ Surface
- Hydrogels Could Be Ideal Radiation Protection For Astronauts
- To Probe the Interior of Neutron Stars, We Must Study the Gravitational Waves from their Collisions
- The JWST Gives Us Our Best Image of Planets Forming Around a Star
- The Euclid Space Telescope Captures a Rare, Stunning Einstein Ring
- Tiny Solar Jets Drive the Sun’s Fast and Slow Solar Wind
- A Blown-Glass Structure Could House Astronauts on the Moon